Poor Willis McGahee. He and everyone else know that he’s out on the street the minute the NFL lockout ends. Free agency is creeping up on him and there’s nothing he can do about it. Ravens teammate Tom Zbikowski can beat up on tomato cans in the boxing ring because he knows he has a job and health insurance when regular programming resumes in Baltimore.

Don’t feel bad for McGahee. He’s already come back from a career-threatening injury in college (oh yeah) and getting knocked the fuck out so he’s used to dealing with adversity. This time’s no different. He already has a new way to make money if he doesn’t sign with another team.

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&amp;brand=foxsports&amp;from=foxsports_en-us_videocentral&amp;vid=d6630aa4-d5e0-413d-9b71-2dc7303604a8&amp;src=FLCP:sharebar:embed:null" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['../../../2011/05/willis-mcgahee-baltimore-ravens-nfl-dance/_trackEvent/','../../../2011/05/willis-mcgahee-baltimore-ravens-nfl-dance/outbound-article/','http://video.msn.com']);" target="_new" title="Cubed: McGahee 'Double Dream Feet'">Video: Cubed: McGahee &#8216;Double Dream Feet’</a>

Alfonso Ribeiro would be proud of that Carlton. Even Uncle Phil would give his grudging approval. Too bad McGahee didn’t do “Apache” with Ray Rice as Boogaloo Shrimp.

If you keep watching, you’ll get the Big Man Dance, the Dougie and of course Double Dream Feet. McGahee’s got better moves than Darrin from Darrin’s Dance Grooves** but he’s got nothing on Jonathan Ogden.

** Keep your eye out for Erin Andrews. She swears by Darrin.

H/T to Baltimore Sports Blitz.

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