Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at
5:30 am
This lady here? Her name is Laura Vikmanis. She is a Ben-Gal, a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader. She is also the oldest cheerleader in the NFL at 41 years old. That’s right. 41. Basically, the Bengals have hired Stiffler’s mom to dance for them. MILF MILF MILF MILF MILF! She’s got 2 kid, girls, ages 11 and 13 and is a registered dietitian so don’t be too crass to her next time you see her, respect the MILF people. More power to her for proving age aint nuthin but a number like our girl Aaliyah (RIP) said…although i’m pretty sure she was referring to the opposite end of the age spectrum there. So why did we post this story? Gotta get some hits by saying MILF MILF MILF a bunch of times right? Anyway, here’s some more picture goodness for ya. Click on em for larger ones.
From the KY Post

Thursday, December 18th, 2008 at
5:40 am

Former Baltimore Raven’s Cheerleader Molly Shattuck has decided to use her powers for good instead of evil. She’s a mom, she’s formerly the oldest member of the Ravens cheerleading squad at 38, she’s a rich socialite, she’s hot, she’s climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and she’s active in public service. Basically, she is one of the greatest people on the planet that should make you take a hard look at your life and realize how little you have done with it. Well, she’s so amazing that she decided to show up on Fox’s television show Secret Millionaire to slum it for a week, find some needy people who deserve a break and then give them one.
In this case, Molly gave out checks of $20,000 each to two different people, a yard full of toys for a bunch of needy kids and a check for $100,000 for a lady who runs a food pantry but her own house is falling apart around her.
Amazing woman huh? This pretty much means her kids will always win the “My Mom is better than your Mom” argument right there. What has your mom done lately? What have YOU done lately? Wait…what the hell have I done lately? I mean i woulda gone and climbed Mt. Kilimanjarp but, ya know, the freakin Redskins started out so well this year, i couldn’t leave and not see their inevitable collapse. Sigh…
From RealityTV Magazine
Wednesday, October 10th, 2007 at
3:05 pm
Its tough being a
cheerleading coach with debts. I mean ya don’t have a whole lot to fall back on to pay back the ones you owe without resorting to drastic measures.
You dont have to tell Anna Lois Miles of Hagerstown, MD this. Miles is being charged with running illegal unlicensed bingo and tip-jar gambling event to repay a parent who had dropped $2,000 to bail her out of jail for failing to make court-ordered restitution to some victims of $24,000 worth of bad checks. Shame really, she is kinda cute in a white trash sorta way.
The proceeds of the event she organized were supposed to benefit the Hagerstown Heat All-Stars cheerleading club which she coaches…but instead were handed right to the lady who bailed her out of jail. Pretty resourceful if you ask me.
Its tough being a role model these days, i mean, like there’s no benefit to teaching these girls how to run a minor criminal enterprise? Shouldn’t she get some credit for that? I think the judge needs to consider it before he lays the smack down on her.
Picture of Anna Miles from this creepy page
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at
5:04 am
Pat Summitt is planning “something special” for tonight’s Florida/Tennessee game, ESPN is reporting, in a response to men’s basketball coach Bruce Pearl painting himself for a women’s basketball game earlier in the year.
We all unfortunately remember the bare-chested Pearl in full orange and blue glory screaming like a madman on the sidelines of the Lady Vols matchup with Duke:
Seriously, we were all subjected to one half naked middle aged man, do we need another? Look at Ms. Summitt:
Yes, that is one sexy lady. She did say she was a cheerleader…in the “7th and 8th grade”. She is a long time removed from what MUST have been quite a highlight in the annals of cheerleading. If her sideline cheering was as motivational as her coaching, the teams she rooted for probably did quite well! They probably planted her under the opposing team’s hoop so that both teams would want to run to the other side of the court as soon as possible, allowing all sorts of scoring opportunities.
Bruce Pearl said “I think America is going to see a side of Pat Summitt that they haven’t seen in a long time.” Summitt herself said the whole performance is going to be “a little out of character, a lot out of character actually.”
We’ve seen a few of Summitt’s cheerleading moves over the years, they include some of these gems.

Yes, she is a beaut. The first move i call “The Bob Dole”. The 2nd, “Red Steel”. Anyway, do we all really want to see her in this?

I think not. Bruce Pearl shouldn’t have showed his pit hair to us all and neither should Pat Summitt.