This thing just came out but it is a sure thing to become a new sport in the future. It is called the “Subwing” and it allows you to essentially fly while underwater.  So this guy, Simon Sivertson, figured out that if he developed this wing to be used underwater, towed by a boat, he would be able to see the world under the sea in a whole new way…faster and with tremendous control. Looks like he succeeded.

Check out the video to watch it in action, its pretty impressive:

There is no way this doesn’t get co-opted for some sort of new watersport in the next few years. It could easily be a judged sport like surfing or wake-boarding with the body control one can have with that thing. If i lived near the water, or was at all athletic and/or acrobatic, I’d be on this like white on rice…but i’m not so i’ll continue to blog about things I cannot do.

/contemplates his life

/puts hands on face

/cries in hands.

If you want one, you can get it from the company site here. Just remember, if this blows up and becomes the next big watersport, you heard it here first.

From Neatorama via Dude Craft

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