Manny Pacquiao beating David Diaz like he ate his dog.

We introduced you to the strange world of Manny Pacquiao earlier this month in a post which detailed his obsession with Queen Elizabeth and his singing career which includes singing backup for the Black Eyed Peas. Don’t get us started on his odd yet seemingly effective training habits. He’s quickly becoming a favorite of the Deuce and Mexican boxing fans who figure they better join him if they can’t beat him.

The Daily Star adds to the legend of the Mexicutioner by uncovering his inspiration for becoming a boxer. Pacquiao was born a poor, black boy in the Philippines but he didn’t start boxing to feed himself or his family….well, directly. He ran away from home after seeing his father eat his dog.

Trainer Freddy Roach described the experience as being too much for the future world champion.

“That’s why Manny ran away from home and became a boxer. He saw his dad eat his dog.

“The Philippines is a poor place, there’s no welfare, no health system and if you don’t have a job or money then …

“Manny was 14. He was very upset and that’s why he ran away from home. He ran away to Manila and ended up in a boxing gym.”

One can see how “Get at me, dog” could be heard as “Get at me dog” especially if the listener is hungry like Manny’s dad, Rosalio was when he went after his son’s dog. Little did he know he created a killer who strikes more fear in the hearts of Mexicans than the combination of El Guapo and the chupacabra.

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