West Ham should thank Russell Brand for choosing Katy Perry to service his needs at the present time. They may be able to pull themselves out of massive debt thanks to her assets. Icelandic millionaires came in and tried to save the team but their country’s economy tanked and so did the team’s fortunes. Who knew lingerie was the answer?

Perry wore West Ham-inspired lingerie to the European MTV Awards for Brand who is a West Ham supporter. The outfit was so popular that the designer, Siobhan Dillon, will make more exclusively for West Ham and sell them for $500 a pop. Hopefully a purchase doesn’t require being forced to listen to Perry’s music. One can go to Guantanamo or Afghanistan for free if one wants to be tortured with terrible music.

It’s a good thing the Icelanders didn’t come up with the team lingerie idea first. No one wants to see Bjork with a West Ham swan around her neck. Other teams might want to consider doing the same thing although it might not work out well for them. Charlize Theron has been known to follow Chelsea. That’s good but so has Tara Reid. That’s bad. Lumpy bad. Ashley Judd follows Kentucky basketball religiously. That’s good. Penny Marshall is a die-hard Lakers fan. That’s bad. Bad in so many ways like Warren G. Alyssa Milano would just rotate her gear depending on the week, city and team. It’s a hit or miss proposition but don’t front like you wouldn’t be down if your man or woman wanted to rock your team’s gear for you.

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Filed under: IcelandKaty PerryMTVPremier LeagueRussell BrandSoccerWest Ham

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