Thursday, August 16, 2007

Alex Trebeck Is A Potty Mouth Drunk

Classic footage (NSFW language) of Jeopardy's host Alex Trebeck drunk and swearing in outtakes that drive home just how drunk and angry Alex can be when he's not smiling and giving backhanded compliments on television. I guess being a game show host will drive you to drink, must be how they can maintain that glassy eyed, smiling demeanor all the time. I know i'd be lit up like a Christmas tree if that were my job, hey, it worked for Richard Dawson. Sometimes, we have to post these non sports videos. Enjoy


Anonymous said...

I read that when filming "Cheers!" with a live audience, the actors would swear once as a shock/icebreaker to get the crowd more relaxed and make the show feel more informal.

mcfoley said...

can anyone name the kind of beer he's drinking? i'm pretty sure i need to know that.

Anonymous said...

You're saying you wouldn't need a drink if you were busy working with socially awkward, know-it-alls every day of your life?

Jibblescribbits said...

Thank you for this. This is like Myth confirmation, before now we were always told Alex Trebek was Canadian, but no one could ever confirm it.

You have discovered the evidence confirming him as a Canadian. Well Done

Chimpanzee Rage said...

Yea I wondered what that beer was too, love to know what Trebek drinks. Jibbles, how does this prove he is Canadian?

Anonymous said...

Does this not remind anyone else of Ron Burgundy?? I feel that the producers of Anchorman must have gotten this footage somehow and used it as motivation for the character!

Anonymous said...

Pretty easy to tell he's Canadian by the way he says dollars. Canadians tend to pronounce it dole-ars while Americans say doll-ars.

Smarter Sports Blogs said...

Absolutely hilarious. Reminds me of Ron Burgundy at the beginning of Anchorman when he's ranting...

Anonymous said...

Uh...what? The part at the end with him saying "Fuck you" is obviously spliced together and he does call someone a "dumb son of a bitch" but who is he saying that to? A few seconds of thought suggests that since the person who screwed up there was him (he was probably supposed to say "play Jeopardy 24 hours a day"), he's almost certainly saying that to himself. Besides that all we have is him saying "fuck", "shit", and "son of a bitch" when he screws up. Big deal. I do that all the time, even when I'm not drunk.

Oh, and he's drinking. But...what is he drinking? The video quality is way too lousy to tell what that can is so why are we assuming that either of the things he drinks are alcoholic? Oh right, because the title of the video is "Alex Trebek Drunk". There's a whole lot of nothing here.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's nothing. The end is spliced. But, still, did you think you'd ever hear Trebek swear?

JMR said...

This reminds me of the old Kasey Kasem tirade.

(you young whippersnappers might not even know who Kasey Kasem is).

Anonymous said...

How much of an attention whore would have to be to edit this together. Get a job, shithead, and stop wasting everyone's time.

It's like two clips of him blurting out some random profanity when he fucked something up, then repeated ad nauseam. And at the end it's just "Fuck", "You" dubbed repeatedly over static clips.

The Kasey Kasem or the Thundercats clips are the real deal.