In a few days or weeks a court of law is going to determine if cheerleading should be considered a sport. In this case it is whether it fits under the context  of Title IX and the federally defined standards for sport.  Regardless, the outcome of this case is going to be interesting because it will finally end any speculation as to what cheerleading is as an undertaking.

I only hope this leads to other cases determining what officially is or is not a sport. I mean, take golf for instance. Certainly we need a ruling on this. Sure it is a game that requires a lot of skill, but being an athlete is certainly not a requirement. Any sport where a 50-60 year old man can compete or beat a 20-30 year old man in my book cannot be a sport. In my mind, its an activity, its a game, its even a game of skill, but sport, not so much.

If golf is a sport then bowling should be a sport…which, in my book, it isn’t either but I will leave it up to a court of law to decide. My argument against bowling (and golf for that matter) is that if you can smoke and drink and actually have that IMPROVE your performance, then whatever you’re doing really cannot be called a sport.

Also, we need a determination as to whether auto racing is a sport. Granted it takes a great deal of strength and endurance and you cannot smoke or drink while driving…but, in the end, you’re driving. You are driving a really really fast car and banking on some turns. You are in control of the vehicle, you steer it, but you aren’t the engine making it run. Horse racing is considered a sport for the horses only, no jockey has ever been considered an athlete, why should an automobile driver. Is it not essentially the same thing?

If, in the end, a court disagrees with me an allows all these activities as sports, then my God, won’t the flood gates open? Darts will soon no longer be part of the parlor game family and instead will want to be recognized as a true sport. Even poker will want in on the action.

Lines must be drawn somewhere. Let’s see how this ruling plays out first.

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