Remember that website we discussed a couple weeks back, This was the site where you could pay 35 British pounds a year, or 72 American dollars, for a share in an English Football (soccer) club. Basically, you will be a part owner in a team, and be able to vote on all decisions in running the squad since everyone who owns the team will have an equal ownership share. You will be able to vote on “team selection and new signings to kit design and beer options in the club bar”.

Well, they’re close to actually achieving their goal. They’ve blown through the £500,000 mark for contributions and now are in the process of looking for a League Two or Conference level club to purchase. From the Independent:

More than 53,000 people declared an interest in MyFootballClub when the website went live on 26 April. Brooks is coy about how much he has raised so far, but he is thought to have amassed more than £500,000 already, only a fortnight after beginning the fundraising stage of his mission. In the first 24 hours, £250,000 was raised: if all 53,000 pay, he will have £1.4m with which to approach a club.

Amazing huh? This takes the American Idol model of the fans picking the winner to a whole new level! If the fans own the team, they can vote on whether or not controversial players would be signed, what food was available at the stadium, what beers are available, the team uniforms, the team name, its the ultimate fan experience…all for 72 bucks a year!

This has to happen at some point here in the states…although with the tight ownership controls in the NBA, NFL and MLB it is all but certain not to happen with those sports. One could hope that maybe the NHL or MLS would be receptive to this sort of fan interaction and ownership at some point but I’m betting this would only fly with minor league baseball teams at this point in America…which is a shame. We’re the home of capitalism dammit, if a group of people have the money and someone is willing to sell to them, they should be able to do so freely without the other owners pulling the whole “best interest of the league” clause. I just want to see this happen.

From The Independent UK

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Filed under: Champions LeagueConference LevelFansLeague TwoMyfootballclubPremier LeaguePremiershipSoccerfootball

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